The Encounter
An amorphous fluff ball and a sticky note meet each other for the first time! What will happen between these two?
A stop motion animation that Olivia (Sarah) completed for her animation class for Smith College (class taken at Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst). This animation was done using Dragonframe. Editing done in Premiere Pro.
The fluff ball in the beginning is simply rocking back and forth minding it's own business when a sticky note comes rolling up and bumps against the fluff ball. The fluff ball gets surprised and scared so it curls into itself. The sticky note unrolls itself and taps the fluff ball to get its attention. The fluff ball uncurls from itself and the sticky note then transforms itself into a different form; which is akin to the fluff’s form, albeit much skinnier. The sticky note offers it's arms for a hug and the fluff ball accepts as it joins the sticky note and curls into itself, enjoying the hug.